So we decided to shell out the money (40,000 won per person, about $30 USD) and attend the first annual Big Rock Tavern Thanksgiving Dinner buffet on Saturday in Seoul. Honestly not expecting much but craving this taste of home, the decision was not a hard one. Especially since, after doing a quick survey of our Korean teaching partners at school, we discovered that Koreans don't eat turkey. So our chances of attaining this wonderful fowl were quite limited outside of this particular time of year. We were expecting some dry turkey, instant mashed potatoes, and some other poor excuse for stuffing and pumpkin pie. What we got was very good, juicy turkey, roast beef that literally melted in your mouth no chewing required, real mashed potatoes, real sweet potatoes, HOMEMADE stuffing (my mom doesn't even make that! I'm used to the 'StoveTop' variety), a lovely vegetable medley, homemade cornbread, very good pumpkin pie, warm apple cobbler, and lots of GRAVY BABY! And to top it off, they were replaying the NFL games from Thanksgiving Day. Not too shabby. Now, the tavern did not quite time the cooking of the turkeys correctly and there was some considerable waiting involved about half way through the feast, for which the owner compensated by giving out some FREE BEER! Free beer? Why not?
So all in all, it was the great taste of home we wanted and the evening was full of giving thanks and baring your Seoul. Ok, that was lame, I'm done with the puns now...promise.
Yeah! Carve that turkey baby!
Happy and in a food-induced coma...